Zaheri school solar system project

Completion of the solar system project of Zaheri school located in Pardisan town of Qom province by the professional team of Shab Kahraba technical and engineering company

Earn a monthly income from solar panels for 20 years

All people who have a suitable space according to their electricity sharing capacity can build a solar power plant at their work or residence and the electricity produced by the subscriber by the electricity distribution company for a period of 20 years with a guaranteed contract and for each Kilowatt hour !!!!! It is bought for Tomans.

پروژه سامانه خورشیدی مدرسه ظاهری
پروژه سامانه خورشیدی مدرسه ظاهری
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پروژه سامانه خورشیدی مدرسه ظاهری

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